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休眠期是马铃薯(SolanumtuberosumL.)重要的块茎性状之一,寻找调控马铃薯块茎休眠的关键基因,揭示其分子机制以选育具有适宜休眠期长度的马铃薯品种,对于解决当前马铃薯产业中过长或过短休眠期带来的经济损失和食品安全隐患等问题十分关键。前期研究在二倍体马铃薯连锁群体中定位了6个加性休眠QTL,本研究拟在四倍体马铃薯育种材料中验证这些休眠QTL。基于休眠QTL连锁的候选基因标记,采用混合线性模型(MLM),模型中考虑群体结构和亲缘关系(Q+K),在四倍体马铃薯自然群体St-hzau中对马铃薯块茎休眠期进行了关联分析。5号染色体上休眠QTL DorB5.3连锁的候选基因标记S199_300和GWD (根据葡聚糖水双激酶α-glucan water dikinase基因设计)与马铃薯块茎休眠期具有显著的关联(P0.05),分别解释了休眠期表型变异的7.8%和3.2%,分别能增加休眠期7.1 d和4.5 d,即在二倍体马铃薯连锁群体中定位的稳定主效休眠QTL DorB5.3在四倍体马铃薯关联群体St-hzau中也表现显著, DorB5.3的稳定性在关联分析结果中得到了验证,表明候选基因标记策略在马铃薯块茎休眠QTL关联分析中是一种有效的策略。本研究所验证的主效休眠QTL DorB5.3及相应连锁标记可以直接用于马铃薯休眠育种。据此可以推测GWD可能在控制还原糖含量和块茎休眠2个方面均发挥作用,马铃薯块茎休眠机制与还原糖含量变化机制可能存在着部分交叉。  相似文献   
辽东半岛不同生境天然结缕草种群冬眠构件的结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
按生物的构件理论,将冬眠苗和冬眠芽视为结缕草种群的冬眠构件,并将全体冬眠苗和冬眠芽看作潜在种群,将全体分蘖株看作现实种群,分析了4个不同生境中冬眠苗和冬眠芽的结构以及潜在种群与现实种群的数量特征。结果表明,同一生境中结缕草种群的冬眠苗和冬眠芽具有相似的结构;不同生境中,结缕草种群的冬眠构件数量、分蘖株数量差异极显著,但根状茎冬眠构件占分蘖株数量的比率没有显著差异,从而揭示了不同生境结缕草种群保持大小相对稳定及其与生境长期适应的种群动态。  相似文献   
不同光周期条件下PhyB和ABA对不同苜蓿品种的秋眠性调控   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
短日照和低温是导致苜蓿秋眠的主要环境因子。本研究检测了3个不同秋眠型苜蓿在8,12和16 h光照光周期条件下叶片和顶芽中PhyB和ABA的含量,并探讨其对秋眠的影响机制。结果表明,1)和非秋眠苜蓿相比,秋眠苜蓿叶片中PhyB含量高,PhyB作为绿色植物主要光受体可能通过光周期调控或参与了苜蓿的秋眠;并且3个品种均是在8 h光照下PhyB合成量高,暗示长暗期利于其合成。2)和12,16 h光照相比,8 h处理顶芽和第一展开叶中ABA含量最高,显然短日照利于ABA的合成;8 h光照处理时,秋眠型苜蓿品种Vernal ABA含量分别比半秋眠型CW5 0 2和非秋眠型CUF1 0 1高2.1 2和2.0 3倍,1 2 h光照处理ABA含量Vernal比CW5 0 2和CUF1 0 1分别高3 6.2 4%和46.46%,但16 h光照处理ABA含量并不表现上述规律,说明8和12 h光照程度不同地为苜蓿创造了逆境效应,ABA可能是调控或诱导秋眠的激素。3)8 h光照下苜蓿秋眠特征明显,生长严重受抑,不开花;12 h光照下苜蓿秋眠特征比8 h光照处理轻,生长受抑但抑制程度低于8 h光照处理,不开花;16 h光照下3个品种生长、开花正常。可能是PhyB含量多寡程度不同地调控了光周期反应,进而影响了ABA合成,而ABA在不同光周期诱导下通过合成量不同调控了不同秋眠基因表达,诱发了秋眠。  相似文献   
以北方盆栽蓝莓美登和北蓝为研究对象,通过人为温度控制,促使盆栽蓝莓提前开花。研究表明,盆栽美登(Blomidon)在需冷量达到1200h,盆栽北蓝(Northern blue)在需冷量达到1000h情况下,可以通过温度调控,打破盆栽蓝莓休眠期,达到提前开花的目的。  相似文献   
通过对刺楸进行打破休眠和变温催芽试验,研究了刺楸种子深度休眠的机理和催芽方法,结果表明:引起深度休眠的主要原因是种胚发育不完全,尚需一定的时间和温度条件才能完成种胚的发育,种子采收后须立即用湿河沙堆藏,层积处理的天数不少于120d。  相似文献   

Since its emergence in Africa in 2016, fall armyworm (FAW) has spread rapidly and poses a severe threat to the food security and livelihood of millions of smallholder farmers in the continent. Using survey data from Ghana and Zambia, we examined FAW prevention and control methods implemented by farm households and their impacts on maize output and household consumption of self-produced maize. The main control methods used included pesticide application and handpicking of larvae, while access to information on FAW was a key driver behind the implementation of the control methods. Results from an endogenous switching regression showed that the implementation of a FAW management strategy significantly enhanced maize yield and households’ own maize consumption. When disentangling the impacts of the main control methods, we found that the combination of pesticide application and handpicking of larvae produced the highest yield gain of 125%. We concluded that the current interventions put in place by farmers to tackle FAW infestations are providing positive outcomes, but successful management of the pest will require more actions, including raising awareness to enhance the adoption of control interventions and exploring other control options.  相似文献   
The timing of seed germination may determine the success of a weed species in an agroecosystem, and its expression is modulated by environmental conditions, but also by seed physiology and anatomy. The aims of this study were to investigate the roles of light, pericarp, dry storage and cold stratification on seed dormancy and germination in feral radish, a troublesome agricultural weed in temperate zones of the Americas that reduces crop yields. To this end, we used isolated intact pods and extracted seeds to test germination over time under contrasting temperature, light and storage conditions. Here, we showed that fresh seeds were non‐dormant, but that light and the presence of the pericarp reduced germination, especially under low temperatures. The pericarp reduced the final water content absorbed by seeds inside pods and decreased absorption/dehydration rates. The pericarp showed several small lignified cell layers in the endocarp, and x‐ray images displayed the lack of space between the partially embedded seed and the endocarp. Dry storage and cold stratification were ineffective in breaking the dormancy imposed by the pericarp. The apparent requirement for darkness and the mechanical restriction of the pericarp may have the potential to induce dormancy, spreading the timing of seed germination over a more extended period and hindering the control of feral radish.  相似文献   
Newly developed candidate cultivars of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.), phalaris (Phalaris aquatica L.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. = syn. L. arundinaceum (Schreb) Darbysh.) were evaluated over four years for persistence and productivity against current commercial cultivars in small plots at five locations selected for lower and less reliable rainfall and difficult soils (low pH and high Al) in south‐eastern Australia known to be marginally too dry for these grass species. The five locations were ‐ representing summer dominant rainfall, Inverell, in northern New South Wales (NSW); ‐ representing uniform rainfall; Trungley Hall, (medium rainfall), and Beckom (lower rainfall) both in southern NSW; and; representing a winter dominant pattern ‐ Eversley, (higher rainfall), and Bealiba, (lower rainfall), in central Victoria. The objective was to determine if the new candidate cultivars were more likely to persist and to be productive than current commercial cultivars. The study showed that most phalaris and cocksfoot treatments were highly productive in high rainfall years at one or both sites in southern NSW. However, all treatments had become much less productive by the end of the experimental period due to plant loss under hot, dry conditions in the final summer. At Bealiba in central Victoria, cocksfoot was the most productive species with several cocksfoot treatments of both subsp. hispanica and subsp. glomerata still present at the final harvest despite a hot and dry final summer‐autumn. Tall fescue was the most productive species in the two higher rainfall environments (Inverell, Eversley) although most treatments of all species performed well at those sites. Continental tall fescues were more productive on average than Mediterranean tall fescues at the strongly acidic Eversley site. As a result of this work, two of the new cocksfoot candidates (Moroccan Fine and AVH48 Selection) and one of the tall fescue candidates (Summer Active 1) have been licensed for commercial development and release.  相似文献   
为揭示不同萌发物候型茶树的休眠机制,以特早生茶树品种龙井43和中生茶树品种碧云为材料,利用钙黄素处理茶树茎段,检测越冬芽在休眠与萌发时期与其他器官的物质交流情况。利用同源比对鉴定胼胝质水解相关基因,并分析其序列特征及在冬季不同时期的表达模式。结果表明,越冬芽在茶树生长阶段和休眠阶段都存在着与着生茎段和母叶间的物质交流;从茶树越冬芽休眠形成到解除的不同时期,其物质交流存在"强-弱-强"的变化规律,但龙井43的与碧云相比存在较短的物质交流减弱时期;两种茶树的物质交流变化模式与鉴定到的茶树胼胝质水解正向调控相关基因CsGLU1的表达模式密切相关;启动子序列分析进一步证实CsGLU1启动子区有多个与激素信号以及低温和休眠响应相关转录因子结合的保守序列。茶树越冬芽在休眠和非休眠状态下都存在与茎和母叶之间的物质交流,且物质交流强弱与茶树越冬芽休眠状态改变密切相关。CsGLU1可能是参与胼胝质水解调控,改变茶树越冬芽物质交流水平,进而影响茶树休眠状态的关键基因。这对明确茶树越冬芽休眠状态变化和深入揭示不同萌发物候型茶树休眠机理有重要意义。  相似文献   
以GA_4处理的果梅休眠芽和转PmRGL2基因杨树叶片为材料,通过测定H_2O_2含量、抗氧化酶类活性及其编码基因和信号转导相关基因表达的变化,分析了H_2O_2在外源GA_4解除果梅休眠中的信号作用。结果表明:GA_4处理的果梅花芽的萌芽率显著高于对照,且H_2O_2含量在休眠解除时达到峰值,信号转导相关基因表达发生规律性变化;‘桃形梅’和‘丰后’的需冷量分别为574 CH(低温小时数Chilling hours)和1 108 CH,休眠解除前后,两品种叶芽中的H_2O_2含量没有显著差异,但需冷量低的‘桃形梅’具有更高的抗氧化酶类活性;转Pm RGL2杨树中NADPHoxi下调表达,有利于使H_2O_2含量维持在较低水平,并对赤霉素合成及信号转导相关基因的表达产生影响,而抗氧化酶类活性及其编码基因的表达量上升。推测GA_4通过调控抗氧化酶类活性而影响H_2O_2含量的变化,并引起上下游多种信号相关基因表达水平的变化,最终对休眠解除起作用。  相似文献   
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